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The Activator Method chiropractic technique uses a spring-loaded, hand-held mechanical instrument called the Activator adjusting instrument. This instrument allows chiropractors to provide a quick, low-force impulse at specific points.

There are two theoretical advantages of an Activator instrument-assisted treatment:

  • High speed--The instrument is so quick that the body's muscles are less likely to tense in response, and resist the treatment. The lack of muscle resistance may facilitate the treatment’s effectiveness.
  • Controlled force--The applied force is localized and does not put the joint in any compromised positions, such as bending or twisting.

Manual Manipulation can help improve overall function, increase your range of motion, and reduce nerve irritability. Every chiropractic treatment plan is customized to the patient, so it’s impossible to predict exactly what you can expect during your sessions with Dr. Jason Just. However, most manual manipulations involve a thrust to the vertebra using high velocity. You will probably hear joint cavitation, which is the sound of gas releasing. This sound occurs when gases (carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and oxygen) are released from the joint due to the chiropractor’s manipulation. Most clients call this “popping” or “cracking” the joint, although that terminology isn’t correct.

 A large number of patients feel immediate relief after manual manipulation. In rare instances, some very minor discomfort might be felt—but this is temporary. The discomfort is caused by muscles spasming near the manipulation site. It’s important for patients to be relatively relaxed during manual manipulation because tensing up can make cavitation difficult. If you experience this discomfort after your treatment, applying ice, resting, or massage and electrical stimulation might precede your manual manipulation.

Just Chiropractic Clinic

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